
Stitch Fix Review: Personal Stylist

Stitch Fix Review: Personal Stylist

Doesn’t it sound amazing to have your own personal stylist? There is a very small population of people who can actually afford a stylist, but of course innovation has made that goal more achievable these days. There are now several online companies that provide regular individuals (non-celebrity, fancy lifestyle lol) the opportunity to have our very own personal shoppers. Being that I am a huge internet shopper, I decided to give Stitch Fix (www.stitchfix.com) a try. The idea is great actually…think about the frustration of searching through a million items on the very small amount of online boutiques that don’t suck! Let’s be real, most online boutiques are just crap!

So let’s get into it… if you’re considering Stitch Fix this is a MUST READ!

How It Works:

From the homepage you can begin setting up your profile by taking a style quiz. This can take up to 15 minutes because there are several questions asked for the company to understand your style, fit and price preference. While completing the style quiz be sure to really think about the questions, options, etc. Make sure to also use the notes area to give the stylist a better feel of your personal style. In this area you will also select price ranges and how often (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.) you would like to receive a “fix” (shipment).


As soon as you’re done with your style quiz, you are automatically set to receive your first fix. Your “Fix” will consist of:

  • 5 pieces of clothing, shoes & accessories chosen by your personal stylist
  • A personal note written by your stylist
  • Expert advice on how to wear and pair your items
  • A prepaid return envelope
  • Prices for each item

Please be aware that with every fix, you will be charged an automatic styling fee of $20. The styling fee acts as a credit towards your fix, however if you choose not to purchase anything in your shipment the styling fee DOES NOT roll over – you will lose your $20.

When your first fix arrives, you have the opportunity to try on everything in the comfort of your own home. Stitch Fix allows you 3 days to decide on your purchase. Keep anything you like and simply return the rest. You will then need to log on to your account to checkout, in which you will indicate the item(s) you are returning and the item(s) you are keeping. Please note that you will be charged at that time for any item(s) you choose to keep.  If you purchase all 5 items, you will receive 25% off the entire purchase. At that time, you are also able to review each item and leave a note for your stylist. Pretty cool, right?

My Experience:

So long story short, I followed all the aforementioned details. I must admit I didn’t leave a lot of details about my personal style, but I did mention obvious things like “I like to show my figure so the baggy look isn’t preferred,” etc. However, I scheduled a fix every month. My first fix arrived (in about a week) in a cute little box along with details and a personal note from my stylist. I also have to admit I was very excited to see that little box of goodies. It was like Christmas, I couldn’t wait to see what was inside!

The stylist must have totally ignored my little note because each item was either too big or had a loose fit. To make matters worse, I didn’t like any of the items besides the jeans… but I didn’t love them (I have to love jeans in order the spend $90 on them) so everything had to be returned – which also means I lose my styling fee. I was a little annoyed that out of 5 items, I couldn’t find at least one that would prevent me from losing my styling fee. So, that was money down the drain!

I then signed on to checkout and to review my fix. There were options to select if I liked the fit, quality, price and style of each item. I decided to be brutally honest and let them know how unsatisfied I was with the service. Being a stylist myself, it made me wonder if “my stylist” had even read over my profile and style quiz. In less than 24 hours I received an email from Stitch Fix apologizing for my experience and advising me to add more detail to my style profile. I took the advice and updated my profile, adding more information and expectations. I figured the 2nd time would be better after a bit more communication. I just knew my next fit would at least have one item to my liking.

After a few weeks, my next fix arrived… again that little box brought me so much excitement! However, I opened the box to find yet another disappointment. As soon as I pulled everything put of the the box I knew it wasn’t for me.  Again, the jeans were okay…but they were a size too big yet AGAIN. Fortunately there was one lime green tank with peek-a-boo slits on the back that I could deal with in order to avoid losing another $20 styling fee. So, I kept the tank, but I WAS DONE. I reviewed the fix and let them know I will be cancelling service.


Soon after I received another email from Stitch Fix (can’t complain about the customer service) offering to waive my next styling fee. The representative also asked more detailed questions about my style and promised to pair me with a new stylist. So, I figured since I didn’t have to risk another styling fee, why not try it one last time – but no matter what, if it sucked that’s it! This time I went into even more detail… I even explained that I am trend savvy and I consider myself current on trends and style, so please send the good stuff. I took it a step further and sent her a link to my Pinterest page. The next shipment was an improvement, BUT I didn’t decide to keep anything but one top (didn’t love the top, but it was cheap).

Yes or No to Stitch Fix?

So now the question is, would I recommend Stitch Fix? It depends on your style. For me, it’ll be a no. I don’t believe this service is for people whose style is a bit more edgy and sexy. The items I received are a bit dated and just…basic. On the other hand, this would be great for the individual who’s into that type of look. This may also be great for work attire, I actually thought about trying it again for that category alone. Overall, I do see the benefit… the styling is just a problem for me. However, if you decide to give it a try, let us know all about it (comment below)…but overall I hope you enjoy your fix!

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